Vrukshali's headshot

Hi, I'm Vrukshali đź’š

a software engineer who tries to solve complex problems with simple solutions

about me.

I have a strong foundation in Cloud and DevOps, currently focusing on backend development. My work involves deep technical expertise in managing infrastructure and building efficient backend systems. I'm passionate about fostering tech community connections and regularly organize meetups to support collaboration and learning. In my free time, I find joy in calligraphy and love exploring new places—it keeps my mind fresh. I firmly believe that a happy life boosts productivity.


We care for Furs

  • This project aims to predict various types of dog skin diseases, a zoonotic disease, by utilizing diverse machine-learning models and evaluating their performance based on various parameters.
  • The ultimate goal is to detect the type of disease and offer recommendations for precautions that should be taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

CoWin Notifier

  • This is made using Web Scrapping, Flask, Ansible, and MongoDB.
  • As a new user comes to the website and registers by providing his/her details like username, email id, password.
  • The details will be saved in the MongoDB database and further mail will be sent to the user that his/her registration is confirmed.
  • This would be done with the help of Automation Tool Ansible.
  • Then as soon as the centers are retrieved, we will save the details in one file and then ansible-playbook will be triggered and mail will be sent to the user “Vaccine is available” with the center details and if we didn’t find any details then again ansible-playbook will be triggered and mail will be sent to the user “Vaccine is not available”.